Investment management concept

The primary goal of the asset investment is to cover the benefits of the insured. Coverage should be guaranteed at all times with the greatest possible security.

As part of the periodic review, the Board of Trustees decided to make changes to the investment pools as of January 1, 2024. The risk budget was adjusted to the changed framework conditions (interest rate level and inflation) and the share of equities and alternative investments was reduced while at the same time increasing the share of bonds and, in some cases, real estate. These measures have significantly reduced the expected risk, but only marginally reduced the expected return.

With its three investment strategies Flex 25, Flex 35 and Flex 45, the Swisscanto Flex Collective Foundation offers a wide range of investment options. The Flex RK investment pool is exclusively available to the pensioners’ pension fund, with this investment strategy being identical to that of Flex 25.

Flex collective

The jointly managed pension solution is invested exclusively in the defensive Flex 35 investment pool.

Flex individual

Customers of this pension solution have the option of choosing a specific investment pool based on their individual risk capacity. This is heavily dependent on the degree of coverage of the pension fund, the composition of the insured and the existing reserves. Once the necessary target value fluctuations have been reached, a change within the various investment pools is possible on an annual basis.

Investment strategies

Invest successfully and sustainably.

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