Pensioners’ pension fund

The collective foundation runs a separate pension plan for the active insured persons of an affiliated employer. The pensioners are managed in the outsourced pension fund.

Your benefits

  • Individual funding ratio with solidarity between the pension schemes of the affiliated companies
  • Invests in the Flex RK investment strategy
  • New pensioner portfolios that have to be absorbed are valued using different technical rates based on the individual ratio of active insured to pensioners
  • Pensioner portfolios without active insured are not taken over
  • Affiliation without financing the required pension capital for the pensioners is not possible
  • All pensioners taken over as well as those who become pensioners during the contract term are passed on at the end of the contract
  • The board of trustees decides on the financing of the required provisions

Contact us

Do you have any questions about our organization? We’re happy to answer them.



